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JOIN Rock The Vote NZ


​To become a full financial member of the Rock The Vote NZ Party you must be enrolled or be eligible to enrol to vote in New Zealand. You can check this by going to


If you are neither enrolled nor eligible to vote in New Zealand you will be unable to join as a financial member

For all membership enquiries email

ROCK THE VOTE NZ Party Membership Application
I am a registered elector
I am not a registered elector but I am eligible to enrol

If you are unsure what electorate you are enrolled in you can check at

By signing below:

I enclose/have paid my membership fee of $1.00 for a one year membership with this application.

I authorise Rock The Vote NZ Party to record my name as a financial member of Rock The Vote NZ Party.

I authorise the secretary of Rock The Vote NZ Party to release this application form and subsequent financial membership details to the Electoral Commission for the purposes of Rock The Vote NZ Party’s registration under the Electoral Act 1993.

I am eligible to enrol as a New Zealand parliamentary elector as I am (select one):

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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